FEBS(EmSurg) Exam

The European Board of Surgery Qualification in Emergency Surgery is designed to test the transferrable competency of emergency surgery leading to the award of the Fellowship of the European Board of Surgery in Emergency Surgery (FEBS/EmSurg).The award of the FEBS(EmSurg) follows successful completion of an eligibility assessment and a formal examination.

Eligibility assessment:

All candidates should have completed their specialist training and are required to submit details of their operative and procedural experience using the approved logbook. The logbook can be downloaded here.  Candidates should also have completed an Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS®) provider course and the Definitive Surgical Trauma Care (DSTC®) course.  The required skills take account of regional variations in practice across Europe and there are acceptable alternative options for candidates who are unable to attend the ATLS® or DSTC® courses.  Full details of the minimum requirements for the logbook skills and alternatives to the courses can be found here.


Candidates who pass the eligibility assessment may take the examination. This consists of a written multiple choice test (MCQ) with 100 items and an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) circuit with 6 stations.  The MCQ and OSCE are usually held on the same day with the 3 hour MCQ paper in the morning and the OSCEs in the afternoon.  Further details of the knowledge required for this examination can be found here.


The total cost is €700 which is split into two parts.  Applications should be accompanied by a payment of €350 which is required for an eligibility assessment and is non-refundable.  This assessment is based on the documents submitted in the application. Potential candidates should ensure that they meet all the eligibility criteria before submitting an application.  Candidates who pass this assessment are required to pay the balance of €350 in order to sit the examination.